v2.2.2.1066 [Oct 26, 2015]
Closed more than 180 tickets in the issue tracker and improved the application and the source code.
In the profile settings, you can disable the profile management (adding, deleting and renaming profiles).
v1.9.5.604 [Feb 9, 2012]
-The manual is much more detailed on how to use the COM interface.
-When Outlook is the default E-mail client, PDFCreator now uses the ActiveX interface to open Outlook instead of the MAPI. This is more robust and does not make Outlook wait in the background until the mail is sent.
-Under some circumstances, the spool folder of some users ended with very restrictive permissions that wouldn't allow PDFCreator to read the print jobs. PDFCreator now detects this and offers to fix this permission issue.
-If no language is set, PDFCreator tries to find the best matching language based on the Windows interface language.
-There is a new command line parameter /ManagePrintJobs, which makes -PDFCreator start with the print job list opened. This allows to collect multiple print jobs and then proceed with auto-save.
-When using auto-save, the user can now control if existing files may be overwritten.
-The script action now also takes tokens in the path and parameters.
-The Title can now be customized with tokens as well.
-PDFCreator 1.9.5 is now available in 10 languages. If you language is missing, you can help translating PDFCreator here: http://translate.pdfforge.org.
-Includes Ghostscript 9.14.
Bugs fixed:
-When a Ghostscript error occurs, PDFCreator created an empty or broken output file and processed all actions. Now a message is shown instead and the error is logged.
-The print after save action did not show all system printers, but only PDFCreator printers.
-Compress for TIFs was disabled.
-Sometimes the controls for the PDF encryption strength were not updated when changing profiles.
-When the script action contained characters that are not allowed in Windows paths, the Window crashed due to an uncaught exception.
-Environment Variables from the volatile environment on terminal servers were not loaded properly, which could result in PDFCreator using the wrong temp folder.
v0.9.9 [Feb 14, 2008]
Uses GPL-Ghostscript 8.64 now, Improved PDF/A compatibility, New output format SVG (experimental), Improved check for updates on PDFCreator,Improved COM interface and some minor bugs are fixed.
This is a PDF printer driver that can be used for a one-click PDF creation.